- This event has passed.
June 22, 2014 @ 12:00 AM - July 5, 2014 @ 11:55 PM
14 days of Sailor Moon from June 22 to July 5th.
To celebrate the return of Sailor Moon on the small-screen, we’re hosting #SailorWeek – 14 days of Sailor Moon fandom featuring our Indiegogo campaign for SeraSymphony LIVE!, interviews with long-running and respected websites in the community, and daily tributes to each of the guardians. Check back every day starting June 22nd for the newest posting until Sailor Moon Crystal premieres!
Sunday, June 22nd
Tribute to Mizuno Ami/Sailormercury
[youtube id=”TO_h9OLqZDA” mode=”normal” aspect_ratio=”16:9″ maxwidth=”720″]
Monday, June 23rd
Tribute to Hino Rei/Sailormars
[youtube id=”D-rY4jlurVc” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Tuesday, June 24th
Tribute to Kino Makoto/Sailorjupiter
[youtube id=”zzjIPAnEFMQ” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Wednesday, June 25th
Tribute to Aino Minako/Sailorvenus
[youtube id=”od4t2B7iXcc” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Thursday, June 26th
Tribute to Meioh Setsuna/Sailorpluto
[youtube id=”Gp_Jz5eUFKI” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Friday, June 27th
Tribute to Tenoh Haruka/Sailoruranus
[youtube id=”Ms2Gz6hc1I8″ mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Saturday, June 28th
Tribute to Kaioh Michiru/Sailorneptune
[youtube id=”JPocNlcmzlE” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Sunday, June 29th
Tribute to Tomoe Hotaru/Sailorsaturn
[youtube id=”Y1IpEBT0EMw” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Interview with Lisa of Sailor Moon Meetup
Monday, June 30th
Tribute to Tsukino Usagi/Sailormoon
[youtube id=”XXovCYR114c” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
PREMIERE: SeraSymphony ~OMAKE Medley~
[youtube id=”fMm8LZS4qT4″ mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Tuesday, July 1st
Tribute to Chiba Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen & Tsukino Chibi-usa/Sailor Chibimoon
[youtube id=”e272FWuX_hE” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Interview with Danielle of Serenitatis
Wednesday, July 2nd
Tribute to Sailor Starlights & Princess Kakyuu
[youtube id=”tJkQ0wt9ruk” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Interview with Elly & Dan of Miss Dream
[youtube id=”BsK_8nPtLsI” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Thursday, July 3rd
Tribute to Sailormoon Musicals (SeraMyu) & Pretty Guardian Sailormoon (PGSM, live-action)
[youtube id=”UxLuNjonS90″ mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Interview with Samantha of SeraMyu Antics
[youtube id=”hu1fiLyT1_g” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Friday, July 4th
Blooper Reel from “SeraSymphony”
[youtube id=”waQcOkf3Knk” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”720″]
Interview with Alex Glover of The Manga of Takeuchi Naoko
Saturday, July 5th
Interview with Robin of The Sailor Senshi Page
Interview with Hitoshi Doi of Hitoshi Doi’s Sailor Moon Page