#SailorWeek interview with Hitoshi Doi
Sitting down with the legendary Hitoshi Doi for #SailorWeek
iconiQ The Soundtrack Orchestra
anime, cartoon, and video game chamber orchestra
Sitting down with the legendary Hitoshi Doi for #SailorWeek
#SailorWeek’s penultimate interview with Robin of The Sailor Senshi Page.
We interview Alex Glover of “The Manga of Takeuchi Naoko”
#SailorWeek continues with an interview with Samantha from SeraMyu Antics! [youtube id=”hu1fiLyT1_g” align=”center” mode=”normal”]
#SailorWeek continues with a Tribute to Seramyu/PGSM: [youtube id=”UxLuNjonS90″ align=”center” mode=”normal”] And an interview with Elly & Dan from the translation group Miss Dream! [youtube id=”BsK_8nPtLsI” align=”center” mode=”normal”]
#SailorWeek continues with a Tribute to SailorStarlights & Princess Kakyuu: [youtube id=”tJkQ0wt9ruk” align=”center” mode=”normal”]
We interview Danielle of Serenitatis for #SailorWeek
#SailorWeek continues with a tribute to Chiba Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask & Tsukino (Chibi)-Usagi/Sailorchibimoon: [youtube id=”e272FWuX_hE” mode=”normal”]